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CBNP Referendum 28th September 2023


We have received a few enquiries about who is eligible to vote in the Chesil Bank Neighbourhood Plan Referendum on Thursday September 28th 2023.
For the avoidance of doubt the following applies:-
1. If you are already registered to vote in Parliamentary or Local Elections then you are eligible to vote in the Referendum.
2. If you have recently moved to the area and wish to vote then you can register on
3. If you are a second homeowner in the Parish then you may be able to register to vote, provided you meet certain criteria, since it is not a Parliamentary or Local Election. Contact or call 01305 838299
Just to remind you there will be three polling stations: Portesham Village Hall (CHB11), Strangways Hall (CHB1) and Chickerell Methodist Church (CHB5 and CHB7). The last date for registration will be Tuesday 12th September.

Derek Troughton, on behalf of the Chesil Bank Neighbourhood Plan SG

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